Personal Finance Day

The FD Mediagroep, the authoritative information company that is active in the financial-economical domain and consists of BNR Nieuwsradio, Fondsnieuws and the Financieele Dagblad, hosted the Personal Finance Day at the Kromhouthal. The Financieele Dagblad organized this day in collaboration with its partners to inform and advise readers and other interested persons in many different ways about their financial future.


About the Personal Finance Day

fdBecause the daily newspaper observes a decreasing interest in the subject, it wanted to spark some interest with original and exciting live communication. That spark has been realized by going all out with the decoration of the event, which made it a nice and exciting whole. By taking all the visitors out of their daily routine, the message is more likely to stick.

In short

  • Plenary sessions with keynote speakers.
  • Other activities in the break-out rooms to offer a diverse program for the day.
  • An exciting backdrop to emphasize the industrial look and feel of the Kromhouthal.
Personal Finance Day
Personal finance day in de Kromthouthallen in Amsterdam Noord.
Een event van BNR en Het Financieel dagblad.
copyright: Sander Nieuwenhuys

In addition, financial future is a broad subject and not all visitors desire the same kind of information. To address that issue, several distinct areas were created in the Kromhouthal, each with its own speaker and subject. Those areas were created by bringing in sea containers and greenhouses, which suited the industrial character of the Kromhouthal well.

That’s exactly what the organization had in mind, says Titia te Dorsthorst from the FD Mediagroep: “The Kromhouthal is perfect for our fair because of the high degree of flexibility it offers. The central hall was, in addition to the plenary space, transformed into a fair with all kinds of stands. The visitors were completely free in choosing which stands and speakers to visit. We’re very happy with the result.”

Well over a 1000 visitors enjoyed a great day.

Personal Finance Day foto
Personal finance day in de Kromthouthallen in Amsterdam Noord.
Een event van BNR en Het Financieel dagblad.
copyright: Sander Nieuwenhuys

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